
A blog on Software Testing, Quality Engineering, Tools, Conferences

Month: June 2016

I’ll speak at Agile Testing Days 2016

Yeah… my talk proposal for Agile Testing Days 2016 in Potsdam, Germany was accepted. Togehter with a colleague of mine I’m going to talk about “Continuous Large-Scale Testing of Real-Time Communications”.

If you are interested in some more details, check out the conference website or watch the short video I made in preparation of the conference.

Why this blog?

What is this blog about?

As I’m interested in new trends and innovative ideas about software testing, quality engineering as well as tool development, I really like to read other testing professionals’ blogs and also to attend testing conferences. It seems like blogs are the major resource to share thoughts in this community, which I want to actively participate in. So, here is my own blog featuring my current ideas and thoughts. 🙂

What can readers and followers of this blog expect?

Please don’t expect weekly posts here. I’ll share my thoughts on Software Testing, Quality Engineering, Tools and Conferences once I discover interesting things and if I find some time to write it down.

Why start a blog years after it was cool? 😉

It seems like I wasn’t cool enough back then. 😉

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