I like to attend conferences, because one doesn’t only learn about new technologies, methods and paradigms, but can get in touch with other testing professionals. It’s about discussing new trends, sharing experience and learning from each other. These are software testing and quality engineering conferences that I follow or attended in the past:

  • GTAC – Google Test Automation Conference – I attended GTAC 2015 in Cambridge, MA, USA, but watched recordings of other years’ editions as well.
  • CAST – organized by the Association of Software Testing. I attended CAST 2016 in Vancouver, Canada. Some talk recordings are available on YouTube.
  • Agile Testing Days – I will attend AgileTD 2016 in Potsdam, Germany to speak about Continuous Load Testing.
  • German Testing Day – Big event of the German testing community (colleagues told me it’s worth attending)
  • EuroSTAR – Big European conference (sounds promising, but I never attended)
  • Let’s Test – For those about to rock. 😉 All about context-driven testing. (sounds promising, but I never attended)
  • Test Automation Day – sounds promising, but I never attended
  • European Testing Conference  – sounds promising, but I never attended
  • Software Test Professionals Conference  – sounds promising, but I never attended